Friday, April 23, 2010

2010 True-False Draft Results

While the people who didn't know any better waited with bated breath to see when Sue Ndamangyo would be drafted, all the intelligent eyes were focused on a little bar in Birmingham watching the 2010 Fake Kiva Cup draft, and to see if Skibo got his wish. Without further ado...

Round 1:
False Hawk – J. Hartsell (17)
True Hawk – Zac Brown Band Ward (17)

Round 2:
True Hawk – C. Hartsell (15)
False Hawk – Meelum (10)

Round 3:
False Hawk – B. Burnett (10)
True Hawk – M. Skiba (6)

Team True:
True Hawk (3)
Zac Brown Band Ward (17)
C. Hartsell (15)
M. Skiba (6)

Team False:
False Hawk (6)
J. Hartsell (17)
Meelum (10)
B. Burnett (10)

Day 1 Best Ball Matches:

False Hawk (6) / J. Hartsell (17) v. True Hawk (3) / Zac Brown Band Ward (17)

M. Skiba (6) / C. Hartsell (15) v. B. Burnett (10) / Meelum (10)

Sorry Mark. You still have the Facebook, I suppose.


Anonymous said...

This is truly a False CUP.

Tida Woods said...

You crazy Anonymous! Look at Matches of Death already to be playing on Day One.

Katie Burnett said...

Why is Kevin's team Team True?

King Conch said...

Cause he's True* Hawk.
