Wednesday, June 20, 2018


Former USA Team Member Sam Thompson is rumored to be returning to Kiva Dunes.

In a shocking and surprising move, the 16th Annual Kiva Cup to be held November 1-5, 2018, will be expanded to 10 man rosters. Negotiations between Team Europe Chief Operating Officer Kevin "Hawk" Halcomb and Team USA Executive Vice- Captain Jarrod "JROD" Jackson had been ongoing for several months. An agreement was finally reached last week, much to the surprise of long time USA Captain James H. "Jim" Hartsell. "I think this is great for the future of the Cup. The move from 4 to 6 was important, as well as the historic move to 8 man teams. However, the move to 10 gives the Captains many more possibilities for the Throw Away Matches."  

Team Europe hold a 9-3-2 all time advantage over Team USA in The Kiva Cup, with the Fake Cup of 2017 going to Team Alabama.


Katherine Burnett said...

What time will the bass fishing competition be held? Asking for a friend.

Mark Skiba said...

I cannot wait to partner up with Jarrod. He put me in my place last fall. Gained a ton of respect for him.

Captain Genius said...

I have secured The Doctor and Clayton David to return to Team Europe. I know Team USA and Captain Jim especially will be glad to see the return of The Doctor, a true gentleman of the game.