Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Match at Burningtree CC (Old)


In a friendly match on Saturday, May 14, Team USA members Mark J. Skiba & James H. "Jim" Hartsell defeated Uncle Lee Hartsell and Jordan Hartsell 1UP. Skiba has made the 80 minute drive north several times in the last few years to join his Captain at the legendary North Alabama venue. The golf was uneventful, if not outright bad, although the match was close to the end. Captain Hartsell commented after the round, "I played awful. Really bad. I need some time off. All that said, I enjoy a round with Mark and I appreciate him coming to North Alabama a few times every year. He's a true gentleman of the game."


Katie Burnett said...

No lie. When I saw this picture I thought it was a Caddyshack outtake.

TheRealCCPOTY said...

Its nice of Mark to not make Jim drive to B'ham for a game every time. That is what Team USA is all about.

Captain Burnett said...

Its not Team Europe's fault Jim lives in the Smokey Mountains.

Anonymous said...

STOP USING CCPOTY! That fake name died with real Jammy. God rest his soul.